For a client whose goals are lead driven, the campaigns were optimizing for brand awareness metrics, such as “Link Clicks” or “Landing Page Views”. Since the client is looking for campaigns to drive RMIs, we knew that we needed to start optimizing for “Leads.” However, the Facebook “Lead” event was not properly implemented across the landing pages. Another item to add to the list!
We hoped that once this was implemented properly and we were officially optimizing toward leads, we would see a significant improvement in performance. Not sure how to set up and track We give you a comprehensive guide to standard and custom event Vietnam Email List setup here. It’s important to note that for a lot of clients on Facebook, it would make sense to have high to mid-funnel campaign types that are optimizing for “Link Clicks” or “Landing Page Views”.

However, with this Education client, it would’ve been tough to have separate campaigns for both prospecting and lead gen due to the hundreds of programs and limited budget. In this case, the conversion action is relatively high funnel, so we were certain that we could utilize the “Leads” optimization to drive incremental RMIs. Step : Restructuring the Account One of the tough parts of managing an Education client is that they advertise a boat-load of programs. SO many programs = SO many campaigns to manage.