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It is normal for most companies to have both types of publication









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發表於 2024-2-11 18:49:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Which may have a big initial spike in traffic but don't attract many visits a few months after publication. To put it another way, compound blog posts lead to an increase in visits over time , while decaying blog posts decrease user flow.Blog posts that are too time-sensitive may generate a lot of interest and do genuine good for your business, but they will inherently deteriorate. Depending on your Content Marketing strategy, you may have few (or no) composite blog posts published so far. In fact, it's all good, although we think you should work to change the situation . According to a survey conducted by HubSpot with its own customer base, approximately one in 10 blog posts is of the composite type.

Not many, considering the whole. What are the advantages of using Benin Telemarketing Data compound blog posts? This distinction between composed and decadent blog posts is important for several reasons, all related to why your company is creating blog content in the first place. Join us! Increase lifetime web traffic If your goal is to increase web traffic, it is essential to have a type of publication that obtains higher levels of visits for your business. And composed blog posts certainly achieve such an effect! Typically, within a single company or business unit, most blog posts have very similar initial popularity. Not identical, but very similar.


It's common for you not to have a post with 20 views in the first week, followed by another that gets a million. If it's true that your business gets a fairly predictable amount of initial traffic from each blog post, then the difference between compound and decaying posts becomes very clear. If both types of posts get 10k visitors in the first week, they are both doing well, for now. But consider what happens next. The declining publication quickly drops to just a few dozen per month. But the composite publication continues to grow, reaching more and more readers and steadily generating traffic. To be clear, this doesn't automatically mean your decadent posts are ruined.  


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