During the period; ugh. Complete this document weekly or at least once a month. You'll be able to monitor your audience and engagement growth and notice when growth slows down and your account performance deteriorates. Analyze why this happens. Are your competitors experiencing similar results or is it just a problem with your account? Useful related articles The facts and figures that marketers need about social sharing The figures and facts.
That marketers need about society We collect it from the latest last database research and reliable sources The most important and interesting ones on Russia's largest social network Impressive latest data. These numbers and facts will come in handy during presentations, strategy and chat discussions. of Russians visit it at least once a month. of residents access social networks at least once a day. This is the highest rate among social networks.

Russia's most popular social networks Source: Russia (more than 10,000 cities) Desktop mobile devices as a percentage of the country's population. Each user of Lijun logs in via mobile phone one day per month and logs in via desktop at least once per day. This again exceeds all other sites. Russia's most visited social service data source Russia (city 10,000+ years old) average monthly force tens of thousands of users only use.